The World's most beautiful flag!! Even the Chinese haven't got a Dragon on theirs!

My 3 folders bask in the East German sunshine.


It took 18 months to get my hands on my GoBike X9, but it was worth the wait!!!!
My GoBike


Alas, stolen by some unscrupulous arsehole of a taxi driver in Dublin! GGGGRRRRR!!!! :o(
My Rohloff Birdy Special


Fastest,cleanest and one of the lightest folders on the market!

My Strida III


Who needs a car/van? This cycle 'Beer Dray' can carry heavy loads or be use as a passenger carrying Taxi!!!!
My Long-John


Laid back riding!

My Flevobike Oke Ja


Best known folder

My Brompton


You never know which famous person you'll see on one of my wierd machines!

Stars Who Ride My Bikes!


Handy for the Lady in my life!

My Classic B.S.A. Ladies Bike

Very useful on large Festival sites

My Electric Scooter

The BoB Yak is a superb packhorse! I also have a BoB Ibex (with Suspension)
My Trailers

Full suspension Circus Tandem? You're having a laugh!
My Crazy Circus Tandem

Early rivet framed Moulton
My Moulton

Raleigh Chopper's 'Mini Me'!!!!
My Raleigh Budgie


The site for the now defunct Welsh Microcar Club with links to 100s of small car websites

My Microcar Website



My Motorcycle collection

My Motorbikes



With an A-Z of Manufacturers etc.

Folding Bikes I see on my travels


AtoZ of Folding Bikes, Designers, Sellers, Publishers & Accessories



Bikes I see on my travels


Favourite Links Page



Fear the mullet !!

This site was designed and is maintained by CHOP !


Links to my favourite sites


Welsh Wide Web

My other site is full of 'bubblecars',alternate energy vehicles and 'human-powered' vehicles


Velovision Magazine

Superb alternative bicycle magazine, backed up by this fine site


Long-John by Monark of Sweden

Details of the modern version with photos & Specifications in .pdf format

(in Swedish, English & German)


A to B

The folding bicyclist's bible, entertaining, funny and informative


Danish Long-Johns & other Transport Bikes

A great selection of transport bikes including the new 'Mercedes' style Long-John!



Cool site by nice people!

Choose the best Strida for your needs or buy some accessories in their online store


These guys have the only shop in the whole Universe that's devoted entirely to Stridas!

The Folding Society

The folding bicyclist's on-line bible, brilliant

The Folding Society

The folding bicyclist's on-line bible, brilliant


Riese & Müller's Birdy (BD1)

The German makers of the amazing Birdy folder


Onohiroki's Pages

Japanese site with great links


Around the bend bicycle fold up wheels 2002

Crazy site which includes a Japanese translation explaining my Birdy



German Birdy Club with English Pages too, includes a German translation explaining my Birdy.

They have organised the:-

Ist World Birdy Treffen ( In English )

(24-26th May 2002)

( Auf Deutsch )


I know this isn't a bicycle, but I reckon the world's first non-polluting car deserves all the support that I can give it!

Click Here for!

(in English)

Click Here for

(goes into more specific detail in English or German)





E-mail CHOP!


Please sign my Guestbook!


| Home |

| About me and my machines |

| My GoBike |
My Rohloff Birdy Special |
My Long-John |

| My Strida MkIII|

| My Flevobike |

| My Brompton |

|Stars who ride my Bikes |

| My Classic Ladies B.S.A. |
| My Electric Scooter|

| My Moulton |

| My Budgie |

| My Trailers |

| My Crazy Circus Tandem |

| My Motorbikes |

| My Microcar Website |

|Bikes I see on my travels|
Favourite Links Page |