Links to my favourite sites
My other site is full of 'bubblecars',alternate energy vehicles and 'human-powered' vehicles
Superb alternative bicycle magazine, backed up by this fine site
Details of the modern version with photos & Specifications in .pdf format (in Swedish, English & German)
The folding bicyclist's bible, entertaining, funny and informative
Danish Long-Johns & other Transport Bikes A great selection of transport bikes including the new 'Mercedes' style Long-John!
Cool site by nice people! Choose the best Strida for your needs or buy some accessories in their online store These guys have the only shop in the whole Universe that's devoted entirely to Stridas! The folding bicyclist's on-line bible, brilliant The folding bicyclist's on-line bible, brilliant
The German makers of the amazing Birdy folder
Japanese site with great links
Around the bend bicycle fold up wheels 2002 Crazy site which includes a Japanese translation explaining my Birdy
German Birdy Club with English Pages too, includes a German translation explaining my Birdy. They have organised the:- Ist World Birdy Treffen ( In English ) (24-26th May 2002) ( Auf Deutsch )
I know this isn't a bicycle, but I reckon the world's first non-polluting car deserves all the support that I can give it! Click Here for www.theaircar.com! (in English)Click Here for www.aircar-ag.com (goes into more specific detail in English or German)